Sacred Bones

All posts tagged Sacred Bones

The perpetually underrated Pop. 1280 applies just the slightest electronic lacquer to their lurch. “Pyramids on Mars” is off the upcoming Paradie LP, their third for (no surprise here) Sacred Bones.

A little “behind the scenes at the Radio Shower” for you today: I’ve got a bookmark folder full of songs I wanna put up on the blog, and it’s stuffed pretty full right now. Because of that, there’s times I don’t get around to posting “new” songs til a week or two after I actually hear em. But when a new Destruction Unit jam get released, alongside an album announcement? Straight to the front of the goddamned line! It appears if Negative Feedback Resistor takes another big step forward in capturing the energy of the band’s so-loud-you’ll-puke live shows, or gets about as close one could hope. Need another reason to be excited? It features appearances by Alex Zhang (he of Dirty Beaches fame) and Don Bolles (he drummed for the friggin’ Germs). Out 9/18

Hey, remember when I posted “Electric“, the first track off of Follakzoid’s upcoming III a while back? Well now Sacred Bones is streaming the whole dag-goned LP. If “Electic” and “Earth” both sound good to you, then head on over here to hear the rest.

Sacred Bones posted a link to this “The It’s Dawning Session” by Chile’s The Holydrug Couple today, and it’s well worth passing along. The rest of the videos can be found here.

Naomi Yang, of Galaxie 500 fame, directs the slow-focused, introverted visuals that perfectly accompany Marissa Nadler’s “Drive”, off of her recently released July LP.